Ding Liren: The genius of Chinese chess

21/05/2023 - Actualizado: 21/06/2023

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Chess is a sport that requires great mental ability and strategy, one of the great players of the moment is Ding Liren, a Chinese grandmaster who has obtained important achievements in his career.

In this article, we will explore his childhood, his day-to-day life and his professional career.

Childhood of Ding Liren

Born on October 24, 1992 in Wenzhou, China, from a young age, he showed interest in chess and started playing at the age of six, at first, he learned to play with his father and later started training with a local coach.

At the age of nine, Ding Liren began taking chess lessons at a chess training school in Wenzhou City, her dedication and skill allowed her to progress rapidly and at the age of 11, she began competing in national tournaments.

ding liren kid

As Ding Liren advanced in his career, his father supported him in his training, despite not being a chess player himself.

It was thanks to his support and motivation that Ding Liren was able to dedicate himself completely to chess and become one of the greatest players in China.

Ding Liren day to day life

Ding Liren is focused on chess, he trains six to eight hours a day and spends a great deal of time perfecting his game, in addition to training, Ding Liren also participates in national and international tournaments.

To keep his body and mind in shape, Ding Liren also plays sports such as tennis, and spends time studying chess online and analyzing games.

Ding Liren professional career

He has had an impressive professional career in the world of chess, at the age of 16, he became the youngest Grandmaster in China and the fourth youngest Grandmaster in history.

  • In 2011, Ding Liren won the China Chess Championship, becoming the youngest champion in the history of the tournament, since then, he has won the championship three more times.
  • In 2015, Ding Liren won the Shenzhen chess tournament.

In the same year, he became the first Chinese player to qualify for the Candidates Tournament, a tournament that determines who will challenge for the World Chess Champion.

Ding Liren has also been successful internationally, in 2017, she won the Corus A Tournament in Wijk aan Zee in the Netherlands, in 2019, she won the Biel chess tournament in Switzerland.

2022 Candidates Tournament

Ding Liren had the opportunity to qualify for the Candidates Tournament, thanks to the disqualification of Sergey Karjakin for his recent support in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

The disqualification of Sergey Karjakin left one place left for the tournament, a place that went to Ding because of his high ELO rating.

He had an excellent participation in this important tournament, finishing second behind the Russian Ian Nepomniashchi. Ian would be the one to face the champion Magnus Carlsen, a confrontation that would not end up taking place since Magnus decided not to defend his title.

World Chess Championship 2023

Thanks to his high level and a second stroke of luck sponsored by Magnus. Once again there was a place left for Ding to show us his great level, but this time he would have the opportunity to be the world champion as well as the first champion of his country, China.

In the championship Ding had some problems with the pressure of playing in a world championship, where he was two points down at one point in the championship, but as the days went by, like the genius he shows himself to be, he learned how to control that pressure, finishing the 14-game series tied and forcing tiebreaks.

In the tiebreakers he had a very good performance, I would say the best of his career as he managed to land the final blow to the already experienced Ian Nepómniashchi and thus becoming the world champion.

Ding Liren Playing Style

He is known for his solid and positional style of play, usually plays quiet openings and seeks to take advantage of small advantages in the position to build his game.

He is a very patient and calculating player, able to defend successfully in difficult positions and to take advantage of his opponents' mistakes.

ding liren smile

Ding Liren playing style comparisons with past grandmasters such as Tigran Petrosian or Anatoly Karpov, known for their defensive and positional play.

However, Ding Liren is also capable of playing aggressively when the situation calls for it, and has demonstrated impressive tactical skills on several occasions.

Ding Liren world champion

Ding Liren is an impressive chess player who has achieved many successes in his career, thanks to his dedication and skill, he has become one of the best players in China and is now the best in the world, leaving a mark in the history of chess and in his own country.

His childhood, day-to-day life and career path are examples of how perseverance and hard work can lead to great achievements in any field.

Here you can find a compilation of their games

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