Magnus Carlsen - The Mozart of Chess

14/04/2023 - Actualizado: 21/06/2023

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Born on November 30, 1990, Sven Magnus Øen Carlsen, known as Magnus Carlsen, is a well-known Norwegian chess player. Current World Champion in the sport.

Magnus Carlsen is a superstar in the world of chess, from a very young age he showed signs of having a truly incredible memory, being able to memorize amazing data in great detail. He was able to demonstrate his great intellect in chess tournaments, winning the title of Master of this intellectual sport at the age of 13. 

One of the Greatest Chess Players

At only 32 years of age, Magnus Carlsen has achieved great success, including becoming a multimillionaire. Today he is considered one of the greatest players in chess history, a list that includes Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov.Magnus Carlsen earned his position through his own hard work, as he beat Anatoly Karpov in a game at the age of 13, and by the age of 19 had already surpassed an ELO rating of 2,800, something no one had ever achieved at such a young age. These are just some of the highlights of his career which have led him to become one of the best chess players in the world, a position he has managed to maintain despite his seemingly introverted personality.

Magnus Carlsen

Who Was Magnus Carlsen's Coach?

First of all it is important to point out that it was his father who taught him to play chess when he was only 5 years old, a moment from which he realized the great potential his son had for the sport. When he was 8 years old, Magnus Carlsen began to participate in tournaments.

In competition and under pressure he continued to demonstrate his skills, so his father decided to go one step further and take him out of school and travel to different European countries to participate in tournaments at different levels.

Similarly, for one year, from 2009 to 2010, it was Garry Kasparov who was responsible for training Magnus Carlsen and polishing his skills. He has also been coached by Peter Heine Nielsen and Simen Agdestein and has been sponsored by companies such as Microsoft.

What Is Magnus Carlsen's Playing Style?

He is a very perceptive player in the face of the danger of his opponent's game, who shows his confidence in every game and likes to enter sharp variations.

In his early days he was characterized by an offensive style, sacrificing pieces, but this did not serve him for long, especially when he faced high caliber opponents, so he became more precise in his attacks.

It is important to point out that his potential is higher in the middlegame, Magnus Carlsen uses his logic and composure, a combination that has led him to success.

Magnus handles the endgame very well and even makes use of his advantage in the endgame. He usually solves problems at this stage that would be impossible for any other player.

What Does Magnus Carlsen's Training Look Like?

An interesting fact about Magnus Carlsen, and one that distinguishes him from many other stars, is that he has trained with computers and not with people. This does not mean that he has never trained with people, as the depth that people provide cannot be matched by a computer.

However, he is known to have a self-taught knowledge strategy, his work used to be individual, where he made his own decisions. He was responsible for searching and studying books from which he claims to remember most of the data, choosing those that detailed a particular opening form.

Magnus Carlsen

Magnus Carlsen's Career

Year 2006

  • Magnus Carlsen participated in the International Chess Festival in Switzerland. A high level tournament where he finished in second place.
  • He also participated in the Chess Olympiad where he had opponents with up to 2,667 ELO rating and scored 6 out of 8.

Year 2007

  • He participated in the International Chess Tournament, where he again took 2nd place.
  • He won the Gausdal Chess Classic and was number one in the International Chess Festival that year.

From 2008 to 2010

  • In 2008 he defeated Lekó and also won the Corus Tournament.
  • In 2009 he came second in the high level tournament called Tal Memorial, reaching an ELO rating of 2,764.
  • In the same year he won the Blitz (rapid game mode) against 22 competitors.
  • In 2010 he achieved two victories, one in the Corus Tournament and the other in the Mercury Amber.

From 2011 to 2012

  • He won the Regilor, reaching an ELO rating of 2,758.
  • He won the Accentus Magistral in Switzerland.
  • In 2012 Magnus Carlsen won the Grand Slam. But this was not the only thing he achieved, as he surpassed Garry Kasparov and reached an ELO rating of 2,861.

Year 2013

  • He again won the Corus Tournament, now called Tata Steel Chess.
  • Magnus Carlsen was crowned World Champion at the age of 22, defeating Viswanathan Anand, who held the title at the time.

From 2014 to 2020

  • In 2014 he played against Viswanathan Anand and defeated him with a score of: 6 ½ a 4 ½.
  • In 2015 he was victorious in Shamkir Chess as well as in Qatar where he played against Yu Yangyi and again won 1st place.
  • In 2016 he won the National Tournament in Norway and triumphed in the Tata Steel. He also beat Russian Sergey Kariakin in the World Championship and was crowned World Champion again.
  • In 2017 he had an imbalance in his game and reached low levels; however, he won the Man Open.
  • In 2018 he defeated Fabiano Caruana in the defense of the World Championship title.
  • 2019 was a year of great victories for Magnus Carlsen, where he was champion in most tournaments.
  • In 2020 he took 2nd place in the Tata Steel.

Here you can find a compilation of their games

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